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April 2020

What's happening in BigQuery: Efficient new views and Cloud AI integrations

BigQuery, Google Cloud’s petabyte-scale data warehouse, lets you ingest and analyze data quickly and with high availability, so you can find new insights, trends, and predictions to efficiently run your business. Our engineering team is continually making improvements to BigQuery so you can get even more out of it. Recently added BigQuery features include new materialized views, column-level security, and BigQuery ML additions.

How do I move data from MySQL to BigQuery?

In a market where streaming analytics is growing in popularity, it’s critical to optimize data processing so you can reduce costs and ensure data quality and integrity. One approach is to focus on working only with data that has changed instead of all available data. This is where change data capture (CDC) comes in handy. CDC is a technique that enables this optimized approach.

Introducing BigQuery column-level security: new fine-grained access controls

We’re announcing a key capability to help organizations govern their data in Google Cloud. Our new BigQuery column-level security controls are an important step toward placing policies on data that differentiate between classes. This allows for compliance with regulations that mandate such distinction, such as GDPR or CCPA.