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March 2020

Kong for Kubernetes 0.8 Released!

Kong for Kubernetes is a Kubernetes Ingress Controller based on the Kong Gateway open source project. Kong for K8s is fully Kubernetes-native and provides enhanced API management capabilities. From an architectural perspective, Kong for K8s consists of two parts: A Kubernetes controller, which manages the state of Kong for K8S ingress configuration, and the Kong Gateway, which processes and manages incoming API requests.

Protect Your Applications With Cleafy Plugin for Kong

When protecting your online services, the weakest link is represented by the endpoints – that is, by the end-user devices running web or mobile applications or by external systems leveraging open APIs. As a matter of fact, there is a growing number of targeted attacks leveraging sophisticated techniques such as malicious web injections, mobile overlay and API abuse attacks to perform identity hijacking, account takeover, transaction tampering and payment frauds.

Exposing Kuma Service Mesh Using Kong API Gateway

In his most recent blog post, Marco Palladino, our CTO and co-founder, went over the difference between API gateways and service mesh. I highly recommend reading his blog post to see how API management and service mesh are complementary patterns for different use cases, but to summarize in his words, “an API gateway and service mesh will be used simultaneously.” We maintain two open source projects that work flawlessly together to cover all the use cases you may encounter.

How to Secure APIs and Services Using OpenID Connect

A modern API gateway like Kong enables organizations to achieve some use cases much more easily than traditional gateways. The reason is older, traditional gateways try to provide as many features as possible into a heavyweight monolith, while modern solutions use a best-in-breed approach. These traditional solutions not only try to be a gateway, but they also try to be a business intelligence system, a central logging hub, a monitoring tool and so much more.

Supporting Legacy Web Services With Kong

Let’s admit it – web services (SOAP) are here to stay for a few more years, and maybe for a long time in some places where there is no business incentive to rebuild them. However, with a decline in new SOAP web services and most applications moving to cloud native architectures, a common query is “how can we support legacy services while moving to microservices?”