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May 2022

JavaScript Package Managers: NPM Vs YARN Vs PNPM

Package managers are software tools that help programmers and developers to install, update and uninstall packages of code, libraries, or other software. There are many package managers for a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript's NPM and Ruby's GEM. Package managers typically use metadata to determine which versions of a package are available and the dependencies of each version package managers vary in the type of automated software they install and update.

REST API Best Practices for Parameter and Query String Usage

Over the last ten years, APIs have grown in popularity and utilization. They've evolved into critical components of application infrastructure, and as businesses continue to use and build them, good API architecture will become increasingly important. A smart API design helps performance and the overall developer experience, whether they're public or internal. The most common APIs employ HTTP requests to access and use data and follow a RESTful architecture.

HTTP Keep-Alive - In Light

HTTP Keep-Alive is a feature of web servers that allows clients to keep connections open. It's also called "persistent connections." The idea behind HTTP Keep-Alive is to prevent the connection from timing out and closing, which would require the client to reconnect. This saves time for both users and the website’s server. HTTP/1.1 is designed to allow keep-alive connections by default, but HTTP/1.0 is not.

Angular vs. AngularJS: Which Is Better?

In today's digital landscapes, businesses are constantly looking for strategies to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Web and mobile applications have become a must-have and effective marketing tool for any successful organization. User-friendly applications are built using frameworks. Angular and AngularJS are the most popular front-end web development frameworks among the greatest JavaScript frameworks.