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A Window of Opportunity: How windowing saved our data table

The modern age of web development that includes modularized, encapsulated web components, has brought us a plethora of tools, technologies, frameworks, and libraries of all varieties. With every such tool that is created to simplify our lives as developers in the long run, there's also a catch we sometimes neglect to consider: the cost of maintenance and performance.

A pivotal paradox: 6 lessons learned managing a fully remote team

A mere few months ago the majority of the world was forced to change drastically, including the move into a ‘fully remote’ mode of office work. As reality was bearing down upon us, tech managers and CEOs everywhere were huddled together trying to figure out how to not only make it work, but work well.

A Definitive Guide to Understandability

As we all know, with great power comes great responsibility, and it’s not only Spider-Man who feels the pressure from that. However, in the case of developers, we’d like to change that saying (sorry, Uncle Ben!) to say that with great power comes great limitations. Why, you ask? Well, it really comes down to the power that software developers have.

'Data On-Prem' Means SaaS Agility And On-Premise Control

Today, we’re excited to announce Data On-Prem for development teams that operate in data-sensitive environments. This new feature truly lets you have the best of both worlds, by enabling large enterprises to leverage Rookout as a SaaS offering, while also meeting the rigorous governance and control requirements that these companies often face.

Hyper Growth At a Time of Uncertainty: Part 1

Most companies strive to achieve periods of hypergrowth and when they’re in it, their goal is to remain there, riding those waves up as far as they possibly can. ‘Hyper growth’ is a term first coined by Alexander V. Izosimov. The World Economic Forum, taking it a step further, explained it as a company’s “need to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of greater than 40%.”.

The Anatomy of a Dev Team

A team of developers comprises several roles, with each contributing their own unique addition to the mix. Sometimes, it feels quite similar to every TV show ever about a slightly dysfunctional group of friends, (cough Friends, IT crowd, silicon valley cough), with each developer adding their own particular touch to not only the product, but the company vibe itself.