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Load Testing

How To Do Performance Testing In Katalon Using OctoPerf

Katalon and OctoPerf play a critical role in the continuous performance testing process, where OctoPerf helps to build the performance activity, and Katalon triggers the build activity and pushes performance reports into the Katalon platform. By integrating Katalon into OctoPerf, you can ensure that you have comprehensive end-to-end test coverage in a fully automated way. The integration between these two solutions will help you automate the build, test, and deployment of your applications.

How are Throughput and Response Time Related

Have you ever wondered what happens when you visit a website or use an app that takes a long time to load? It seems to take an eternity at times! This is where software testing comes in. Use our load test tool you can test how well a website or app can handle a large number of people, all while using it at the same time.