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2023 N|Solid Awards: The Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Watch

NodeSource has been a part of the Node.js ecosystem since 2014, contributing to the open-source project, distributing binaries (over 100m annually!), providing expert Node Services, and building tooling (N|Solid) to support developers to make the best software leveraging Node.js. Every year, we look at the open-source projects we believe are the most interesting and will impact the ecosystem.

90-Second Hack To Install A Node.JS Agent With No Code Changes

Installing Rookout on your Node.JS application is usually a breeze. Run `npm install`, add a line of code, and you are done. Yet, in some rare cases, we encounter more frustrating use cases. For example: When those tough situations arise, our customers often refer to this blog post we wrote years ago about deploying a Java Agent. So, if you are looking for an easy and portable way to deploy Node agents without changing your code, you’ll want to read this article.

Nodesource Node.js Binary Distributions 2021 & 2022

NodeSource Node.js binary downloads keep increasing monthly, providing millions of users worldwide with the power of Node.js. This blog post gives us important insights into using Node.js across Linux environments and the Node.js community in general. Nodesource has been packaging and distributing Node.js for Linux environments for 9 years. Every major and minor release, as well as security updates. We’ve seen a massive increase in downloads every year.

How to cancel an HTTP request in Node.js?

Node is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment for developing server-side and networking applications. A peculiar feature of Node.js is its ability to process concurrent requests without delay. It uses an asynchronous programming method for doing so. Usually, when handling a request, the program sends this request to the computer’s file system. It then opens the requested file, reads it and then returns the content to the client.

Node.js Error Handling: Tips and Tricks

As unpleasant as they are, errors are crucial to software development. When developing an application, we usually don't have full control over the parties interacting with a program and its hosts (including operating system versions, processors, and network speed). It's important you have an error reporting system to diagnose errors and make errors human-readable. In this post, we'll first look at the two common types of errors.

11 Features in Node.js 18 you need to try

Node.js 18 was released on the 19th of April this year. You can read more in the official blog post release or in the OpenJS Blog announcement. The community couldn't be more excited! If you want to lend a hand, we welcome your ideas or solutions contact us, or if you would like to help us continue supporting open source, you can contribute with an issue here.