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Why Should You Use PHP Frameworks for Web Development?

PHP is a powerful, server-side programming language with numerous benefits and features. The language is extensively utilized to create various web development solutions. However, core PHP may not be suitable to work on complex business requirements, as PHP code may get intricate. Also, efficiently maintaining complex applications built on PHP normally requires those who worked on the original project.

Refactoring with Deprecations

Deprecating old code and replacing it with new and improved APIs is an established process in software development. In the core of PHP APIs are provided to trigger and to get notified of deprecations. As a PHP application developer you can then hook into all triggered deprecations using a user defined error handler. You can use this API to collect deprecations and fix them.

PHP Nested Try-Catch

Try-catch blocks in PHP can be nested up to any desired levels and are handled in reverse order of appearance i.e. innermost exceptions are handled first. Nested blocks can be useful in case a block of code causes an exception, which can be handled within that block and program execution can continue in the outer block. They can also be useful in case the handling of an exception causes another exception.

Shopware 6.4.11 NavigationLoader performance improvements evaluated

During Shopware Community Unconference 2022, we heard a lot about an internal performance week at Shopware, where they took tie to optimize different parts of the core of the Shopware platform. These were mostly performance problems that also affect our customers. Naturally, we are super excited about them their release in version 6.4.11. In this blog post we will look at one improvement to category navigation loading.

What is OPcache and How to Install it?

OPcache is a form of caching system that caches precompiled script bytecode in a server's memory, allowing a web page to load faster each time a user accesses it. With the OPcache PHP OPcode caching system, you can speed up your website three times. In this article, we will discuss what is OPcache and how to use it to speed up your website.

A Complete Guide to PHP Debugging

If you're using PHP or adopting a PHP application, you need to know how to debug in PHP. Debugging PHP errors in a production environment is one of the most frustrating things a developer can go through. Identifying the underlying cause is challenging when error reports are ambiguous. Nobody enjoys debugging their code. However, if you want to create great web applications, you must fully complete the process.