Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Introducing: Codezero Serve

Using Codezero Teamspaces' Serve feature enables Devs to harmonize their local with production environments using advanced traffic routing to seamlessly create and publish new services and variants back to the cluster seamlessly from their local workspace. Your Devs will be more productive, focused and happy using the tools they know and love without having to focus on infrastructure or cloud environment.

Kafka-docker-composer: A Simple Tool to Create a docker-compose.yml File for Failover Testing

Confluent has published official Docker containers for many years. They are the basis for deploying a cluster in Kubernetes using Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK), and one of the underpinning technologies behind Confluent Cloud. For testing, containers are convenient for quickly spinning up a local cluster with all the components required, such as Confluent Schema Registry or Confluent Control Center.

The Great Leap Forward: Catch Bugs Early in DevOps Cycle w/Codezero

As software projects become more complex and the need for speed increases, catching critical bugs and vulnerabilities early in the process is crucial. This is where Codezero steps in, reshaping the DevOps cycle by focusing on “Shift Left” and early bug detection.

How to Manage Your Kubernetes Services with an API Gateway

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers into logical units for easy management and discovery. API gateways sit between clients and microservices. They act as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, then route and transform requests to appropriate microservice.

How to Manage Your Kubernetes Services with an API Gateway

Want to try it out yourself? The quickest way to get started with Kong Ingress Controller is with Kong Konnect. Learn how to efficiently manage and secure microservices deployed on Kubernetes using an API gateway. This tutorial demonstrates integrating Kubernetes services with Kong Gateway via the Kong Ingress Controller.

A Day in the Life of a Dev Team: Leveraging Codezero Teamspaces for Collaborative Development, Efficiency and Excellence

Dev Teams rely on their Dev Leaders and DevOps to fill a crucial role, bridging the gap between development and operations to ensure smooth workflows in the fast-paced world of software development. This role requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to navigate team dynamics and project management challenges. Enter Codezero Teamspaces, a tool essential for modern Dev Teams fostering collaborative development.