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Quickly create performance and regression tests from a Postman collection

Speedscale is a Y-Combinator backed startup that helps Kubernetes engineering teams build more resilient and performant containerized apps. Unlike other tools, we use agents/sidecars to record and playback sanitized traffic that you see in prod. With Speedscale, engineers can simulate production conditions, generate load, and mock third party backends modeled after real traffic patterns.

How to Restart a Kubernetes Pod Using kubectl

Restarting a Kubernetes pod can be necessary to troubleshoot issues, apply configuration changes or simply ensure the pod starts fresh with a clean state. With the power of kubectl, you’ll be able to gracefully restart pods without disrupting the overall application availability. This post will walk you through the process of restarting pods within a Kubernetes cluster using the command-line tool, kubectl. Let’s dive in and learn how to effectively restart Kubernetes pods using kubectl!

Making Kong Cloud-Native with the Kong Ingress Controller

There are lots of iconic duos out there. Batman and Robin, Jelly and Ice Cream, and now, Kong and Kubernetes. Join Michael as he shows what Kong Ingress Controller can do for you. We’ll take a look at how to secure your services with the KongPlugin CRD, how to use the Kubernetes events system to help debug when things go wrong, and we’ll even take a sneak peek at the upcoming Kubernetes Gateway API and how you can start using it today.

Scaling Kubernetes Deployments of Kong

In my previous post on scaling Kong deployments with and without a database, we covered the concepts of deploying Kong with and without a database, as well as using decK, distributed, and hybrid deployments. In this article, we take a tour of some of the possible Kubernetes deployments of Kong. Kubernetes (K8s) is the container orchestration war winner. While there are still deployments using other engines, we see K8s far more.

Exposing Services with the Kubernetes Gateway API

The Gateway API is the next generation of the Ingress API, one of the most widely used resources across Kubernetes. We will explore the rich set of features provided by this API and deep dive into a demo-oriented talk where we will learn how to expose applications outside the cluster boundaries. We will leverage the Kong Gateway Operator to deploy the controlplane (Kong Ingress Controller) and dataplane (Kong), then, with the help of the Gateway API, expose services outside the cluster boundaries and perform traffic splitting and load balancing based on different rules.