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A Comprehensive Guide to MeiliSearch

MeiliSearch is a search API that is RESTful. It aspires to be a ready-to-use solution for everyone who wants to provide their end-users with a quick and relevant search experience. Effective search engines can need a large investment of time and money. They are only available to businesses with the financial resources to create a custom search solution tailored to their specific requirements.

Replace Elasticsearch with MeiliSearch

Data is everywhere and there is no doubt that the datasets we now spans gigabytes easily. We live in a data-rich world. Everyone is on the internet and getting meaningful information from queries this data set is critical. Most of the time they get overwhelmed with the data and have trouble finding what they are looking for. Here comes the Search Engines which is designed to search for websites on the internet based on the user's search query.'s Response To The Elasticsearch B.V. SSPL Licensing Change

On the 14th of January 2021, Elasticsearch B.V. announced that future releases of Elasticsearch and Kibana would be released under a dual license SSPL (Server Side Public License). As a result of this change it is evident that the components that make up Elasticsearch and Kibana in version 7.11 (and onwards) of the ELK Stack will no longer be considered as open source based upon the Open Source Initiative's requirements for licensing.

Why should you use Elasticsearch on your website?

In this post we’re covering a range of the best reasons why you should consider using Elasticsearch for your business or website. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in eCommerce and Technology to let us know why they love using Elasticsearch for their projects & why they would recommend this powerful search engine. Two of the biggest reasons for using Elasticsearch were detailed by Usama Raudo, Marketing Strategist at Within The Flow.

Is Elasticsearch the Ultimate Scalable Search Engine?

For enterprise applications and startups to scale, they need to manage large volumes of data in real-time. Customers must have the ability to search for any product or service from your database within seconds. When you manage a relational database, data is spread across multiple tables. So, customers may experience lag during search and data retrieval. However, this is different with Elasticsearch and other NoSQL databases.

ELK with Talend cloud

ELK is the acronym for three open source projects where E stands for Elasticsearch, L stands for Logstash and K stands for Kibana. ELK is a robust solution for log management and data analysis. In this blog, I am going to show you how to configure ELK while working with Talend Cloud. The blog will focus on Loading Streaming Data into Amazon ES from Amazon S3.

Pull your data from ElasticSearch to Analance Seamlessly

Ducen is pleased to announce that we have added ElasticSearch to our growing fleet of data connectors. Elastic search will be the next big thing in our group of live connectors for real time dashboarding and analysis in Analance™, our Data Science and Reporting Platform. Analance has been built to integrate and analyze data from any source and in any format, making Analance truly data agnostic.