Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


How to release your Flutter app to App Center for beta testing

Sharing your application with real users in real environments before your app goes live has to be one of the most exciting stages of app development. You get to release your application to targeted users to test and uncover bugs in your app — in other words, to beta test it. Speed and automation are critical factors when releasing your app to beta testers.

Multi-flavored authentication in Flutter using flutter_bloc

In this tutorial, we will learn the definitions of the different stages of production and their importance in development. We will also cover how to use different Firebase configurations in various environments. Additionally, we will learn about bloc widgets and what they do while managing our state in our Flutter application.

Practical Guide: Flutter + Firebase + FlutterFire CLI + CI (Codemagic)

This article highlights three technologies that you can combine to create a super-app: Flutter, Firebase, and Codemagic. Our task is to configure Firebase for all platforms supported by the Flutter framework, utilize Firebase Remote Config to alter the appearance of our app without making these changes manually and then set up CI/CD using Codemagic to distribute our app via Firebase App Distribution. We’ll be creating a live demo of the app to demonstrate the power of these technologies.

How to implement GraphQL with Flutter + GraphQL example

Have you ever faced the task of implementing a REST API and had to call multiple endpoints to populate data for a single screen? You probably wished you had more control over the data returned by the endpoint so that you could fetch more data with a single endpoint call or have only the necessary data fields returned by the call. Follow along to see how you can achieve this with GraphQL. In this article, we’ll be implementing GraphQL in an existing codebase.

Understanding Flutter Navigator 2.0

Navigation is a core concept in mobile app development. It enables users to move from one screen to another. Well-managed navigation keeps your app organized and enhances its capabilities. Flutter offers an imperative API (Navigator 1.0) and a declarative API (Navigator 2.0) routing mechanism. In Navigator 1.0, you can only add a page to the top of the navigation stack and remove the topmost route. On the other hand, the declarative mechanism allows you to control the navigation stack completely.