Happy birthday, Testlio

Happy birthday, Testlio

Nov 24, 2022

On a gloomy Friday evening ten years ago, two young Estonian entrepreneurs with a dream sat in a dimly lit flat in London, trying to come up with a name for their future company that would improve the way software testing is done. The AngelHack hackathon was starting the next day and the couple was planning to to pitch their idea there. A bit before midnight, the goal of choosing the company name was reached - Testlio was officially registered and our founders Kristel and Marko Kruustük were ready to take on one of the biggest and rewarding journeys of their life - creating a globally distributed company that powers networked testing to enable human possibilities.

Working relentlessly towards a common goal and finding like-minded people on the way, Testlio has grown from two TestLions into a full TestLion Pride of over 200 full-time people and 10k freelancers. To celebrate that, here's a video of the TestLion kindness traveling virtually from TestLion to TestLion, connecting us all around the globe 🌍.

Wish to join the TestLion Pride 🦁 and enable your human possibilities?
Check out 👉 https://testlio.com/jobs/

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