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Key Points for a Winning Test Plan

2. Prioritize User Experience: Focusing on user experience (UX) within your test plan is crucial for building software that is not just functional, but also intuitive, enjoyable, and efficient for your target audience. Here's how to deepen your approach: User Personas and Scenarios: Develop user personas representing different user segments and create test cases based on their expected behavior and workflows. This ensures testing caters to the diverse needs of your user base.

5 E-Commerce Payment Gateway Testing Use Cases

Without payment gateway testing, you risk cart abandonment, over or underpayments, penalties, and increased customer support costs. These risks occur when web or mobile app payment transactions run into issues. To avoid these issues, online retailers should create test cases, conduct periodic checks, and update their processes to ensure the system’s integrity. From functional testing to usability testing, there are many ways to test payment processing.

Part I: Yes, Software Quality Strategy is a Requirement For Comprehensive QA

We all understand that software quality is a critical aspect of modern software development. There are countless metrics that can be tracked, business value that can be attributed to the quality of software, and cautionary tales in news cycles driven by critical issues that make their way to production. Yet, in many cases, organizations still fail to define and implement a quality strategy.

Godot vs. the Giants: What is Godot and How It Competes with Unity and Unreal

There’s a new kid on the block in the gaming industry; meet Godot, a 2D and 3D game engine that is free and open source. What used to be a space once dominated by giants like Unity and Unreal Engine now has some competition. With recent changes in “unique” pricing models, I’ve seen indies and small dev teams increasingly turn to Godot as their game engine of choice.

What is Golang Logging? A Beginner's Guide

Ever found yourself frustrated by glitches while shopping online? Picture this, you are about to make that crucial purchase, but suddenly, an error message pops up, stopping your transaction. What's behind these digital glitches, and how can they be fixed? That is where Golang logging steps in! When you encounter an error during checkout, Golang logging jumps into action, capturing crucial details about what went wrong.

Introducing Connected Apps for Streamlined Release Management on Bitrise

Bitrise introduces connected apps, a game-changer that links store apps like App Store Connect and Google Play Console directly with Bitrise apps. This innovative approach shines a spotlight on each store app, streamlining the release management process and optimizing mobile development workflows.