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Qlik's next move in AI -The CrunchBot/Crunch Data Acquisition

Qlik is at the forefront of bringing augmented intelligence even further into analytics, helping business users scale their ability to explore and surface key insights from all their data. As we expand the role and use of analytics through our customer organizations, we know that making it easier for users to interact with data is essential to both increased adoption and higher data value.

Data skills - Many hands make light work in a world awash with data

While the transformation to a data-driven culture needs to come from the top of the organization, data skills must permeate through all areas of the business. Rather than being the responsibility of one person or department, assuring data availability and integrity must be a team sport in modern data-centric businesses. Everyone must be involved and made accountable throughout the process.

Heureka: building a universal data platform across 9 countries with Keboola and Snowflake

Heureka is the leading e-commerce shopping platform in Central and Eastern Europe, with millions of products from approximately 50,000 online stores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Under the control of Rockaway, a venture capital firm and the owner of Heureka, the group has expanded into Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, through the acquisition of Arukereso in 2017.

4 Tips for Better API Security in 2019

Whether in the tech press or analyst reports, it became more common in 2018 to see the words “API” and “security”—or worse, “API” and “breach”—together in the same headline. APIs are not only the connective tissue between applications, systems, and data, but also the mechanisms that allow developers to leverage and reuse these digital assets for new purposes.