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Most common issues encountered during browser compatibility testing

With the rise in the usage of internet and smartphones, the number of browsers too have increased over the last two decades. Currently, there are multiple browsers across the world and different users use different browsers. Also, every browser has different versions which are in use and you can’t simply assume that your website will look perfect on every browser. So, a website must be compatible across multiple browsers and their different versions in order to gain a significant user base.

How to Get Started With Browser Testing at the earliest

Web Developers frequently come across issues where the developed website or web application does not work as expected on certain combinations of browsers and operating systems. Does this mean that enough effort was not spent in the automation testing process? The possibility is that the web developer and test automation engineer did not do thorough cross browser testing!

Testing a mobile application: an examination of strategy and tools

Mobile phones have taken over the world in a way few technologies and inventions have been able to in the past. The far-reaching repercussions of such a widely accepted adoption can be felt in all fields of life, from education to tourism. As mobile phone usage and internet penetration continue to grow at unprecedented rates, competition amongst developers is also at all-time heights. Hence, quality control and assurance within the mobile application development sector has become vital.

Check Browser Compatibility For A Website - A How-To Blog

How do you feel when an application on your device starts breaking but it works just fine on your friend’s smartphone? You reload the browser and wait for the website to load. When it does, it does not feel right. All the features are not visible or you cannot click them. Eventually, you will find yourself in the middle of two roads: 1. Consider that the site is facing an issue and maybe come back later. OR 2. Look for another site as this one is broken.

9 Tips To Avoid Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues from the start

The software market is growing at a very fast pace today and so are the devices, browsers, and OS. It is vital for any business or software to provide a great user experience to a broader user base. An application should work on different devices like mobile, laptop, tablets, and smart televisions according to the purpose of the application. Also, all possible browsers and OS combinations possible.

Why Test Automation Tools Are Important For New Work Style?

2020 was a testing year for one and all. There were many challenges we had to face and still continue to face. One of them was the challenge to continue working even with the pandemic situation. But, thanks to technological advancements, most of us were able to figure out a way to keep working. And that gave birth to a new style of working for the majority of people around the world. The new style of working includes working from home.

Cross Browser Compatibility Testing - what browsers you should test?

In recent years, cross browser compatibility testing has gained a lot of traction as it helps ensure that no customers are left behind after updates. The pace of technological advancement has increased exponentially, leading to faster upgrades and changes. However, not all people evolve as rapidly as they are resistant to change, leading to outdated technology such as which consist of minor options, specifications and less compatible ones.

7 top tools for responsive web design testing

Responsive design is an approach to design websites such that it responds well on all screen sizes, platforms, and orientations. with the user’s devices depending upon their screen dimensions and orientation. This approach eliminates the need to design a new set of code for each new device. The primary focus is to deliver a consistent browsing experience to the users no matter what device is being used.

7 tips for successful cross browser compatibility testing

Cross-browser compatibility testing is the most important testing for someone whose business is completely dependent on a website. Take for example an online service provider company. It may have gone through rough testing phases but is there a point in exhausting all your energy when the end-user is not able to communicate with the website properly? Cross-browser compatibility testing is extremely important for a successful running website where you have one less thing to worry about.

Top 5 Must-Have Features of Regression Testing Automation Tools

As the world moves forward, it wants to progress, more efficiency, more speed, and the same is the case with the software development industry. Every software development organization wants to save time, effort, and money at every step possible. Software Testing being a major part of software development also needs more efficiency. Thus, comes automation.