Learn the how and what of analytics and data integration. This is the first in a two-part abridged version of The Essential Guide to Data Integration. Read Part 2 here, and get the full book for free here! You can also watch the webinar. What is data analytics How do you integrate data? Should you build or buy a data analytics solution? What are some business and technical considerations for choosing a data analytics tool, and how can you get started? Let’s start with the first two questions.
Without an overarching company data culture, even the best technology tools won’t get you where you want to go, say the co-founders of Data Culture. Data isn’t just a tech solution. For Gabi Steele and Leah Weiss, founders of the consultancy Data Culture, it’s also a “people” solution. Even within companies that enthusiastically embrace a cloud-based modern data stack, a substantial gap often exists between the business and data sides of the organization.
Leaving movie quotes aside, load testing helps you understand how your application behaves under both normal and peak conditions, and discover what is causing the degradation. But truly, the main goal of load testing is not to lose customers. You don’t do load testing for the sake of doing load testing.