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Top 5 Automated Testing Tools for iOS: November 2018

A few weeks ago we brought you a rundown of our five favourite automation testing tools for Android, and the response was overwhelming. So we’ve written a follow-up article, this time for iOS developers. The testing challenges vary slightly for Android and iOS testing. For one thing there are far more Android models out there than iOS, which means lots more potential bugs. Also, the two variants have their own default languages, which further complicates things.

Machine Learning Sandbox - Recommendation Engine

Talend’s Big Data and Machine Learning Sandbox is a virtual environment that utilizes Docker containers to combine the Talend Real-time Big Data Platform with some sample scenarios that are pre-built and ready-to-run. This example uses Talend's machine learning capabilities to implement a personalized recommendation model based on user input.

Machine Learning Sandbox - Data Warehouse

Talend’s Big Data and Machine Learning Sandbox is a virtual environment that utilizes Docker containers to combine the Talend Real-time Big Data Platform with some sample scenarios that are pre-built and ready-to-run. This example demonstrates a Data Warehouse Optimization approach that utilizes the power of Spark to perform analytics of a large dataset before loading it to the Data Warehouse.