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June 2023

End-to-end gRPC and HTTP/2 support: a story about ALPN, Edge, and Kuma/Envoy

Need to deploy APIs and full-stack apps with gRPC and HTTP/2 support? Sign up now to deploy with our free tier and choose your preferred protocol in the control panel or via the CLI. Our thing is to let you deploy your apps globally in less than 5 minutes - and with high-end performance. Not only does this require us to be meticulous about everything composing our infrastructure layer, but also we have to support high-level protocols like WebSockets, HTTP/2, and gRPC.

What is a microVM?

A microVM is a lightweight virtual machine. Any function or container workload can run inside of one. It is ideal for running multiple high-performance and secure workloads concurrently on a single machine because it combines the security and isolation of traditional VMs with the resource efficiency of containers. In this blog post, we dive into the world of microVMs, specifically Firecracker microVMs.