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October 2023

Mastering Date and Time Handling in Kotlin for Android Developers

The software industry has evolved more quickly in 10 years than most industries do in 1,000, yet we continue to grapple with the basic elements of date and time. Practically all our apps rely on time in some way, and when our users are spread all over the world it can be fiendishly difficult to get the timestamps right. Kotlin language, the dominant Android programming language, provides native classes (or blueprints) to help us deal with date and time.

The Best Resources to Learn Android Development

Android has surged past iOS to dominate the world’s smartphone market, but its ecosystem is growing at an exponential rate. There were more than 24,000 different Android devices at the last count, which places major strains on devs. To learn Android development, you have to learn how to optimize for hundreds of different devices. So you need a clear learning plan that can be applied to the entire Android ecosystem.