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July 2020

Digital Business Ecosystems - Drive efficiency and innovation in a new era

In this new era, taking an outside-in approach to digital business ecosystems can help organizations harness their existing resources and relationships to drive new innovation and efficiency. Digital business ecosystems encompass a network of partners, developers and customers facilitated by modern, cloud-first technologies. Recently, Google Cloud, in partnership with Oxford Economics, surveyed 1,000 CIOs of large organizations (over $2 billion in revenue) to understand their digital business ecosystem strategies. This executive summary dives into the key findings from this research.

How an API-powered digital ecosystem can drive innovation and efficiency

Worldwide, businesses are adapting to the new market conditions by transforming their current operating models to meet the new consumer demands and improve productivity, all while still focusing on achieving growth. In this new era, taking an outside-in approach to digital business ecosystems can help organizations harness their existing resources and relationships to drive new innovations and efficiency.

The New Urgency to Transform to a Platform Business Model

The current situation has precipitated an intense acceleration of digital transformation. The future was always uncertain, but is now ever more so. Companies that run platform business models are proving to be relatively resilient during this uncertain time, and are likely to emerge stronger than ever. APIs are critical to these companies, and many traditional businesses are starting to adopt a platform strategy not only to survive, but to thrive.