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4 Microservices Examples: Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and Etsy

Some of the most innovative and profitable microservices architecture examples among enterprise companies in the world — like Amazon, Netflix, Uber, and Etsy — attribute their IT initiatives’ enormous success in part to the adoption of microservices. Over time these enterprises dismantled their monolithic applications. They then refactored them into microservices-based architectures to quickly achieve scaling advantages, greater business agility, and unimaginable profits.

Tackling Microservices Testing Challenges: Effective Mitigation Strategies

According to Statista, the microservices architecture market will grow at a robust CAGR of 19.6%, reaching $10.86 billion by 2027, up from $4.44 billion in 2022. The shift to microservices architecture has revolutionized software design and development, significantly enhancing agility, scalability, resilience, delivery times, cost-effectiveness, and more. Since Dr.

7 Key Benefits of Microservices

Jeremy H - May 20, 2024 In the age of technology, businesses are experiencing a digital renaissance. Customers are interacting with companies through mobile devices and social media platforms more than ever, and they expect a higher level of service. This has forced businesses to re-evaluate how they operate to meet customer demands. One such way companies are changing the way they work is by adopting the benefits of microservices. The question is, why are microservices so helpful to modern enterprises?

Microapps vs. Microservices: the Similarities and Differences

From the end user’s perspective, the microapps and microservices often seem to provide the same functionality. However, development teams need to think about microapps vs. microservices when building products. Before you commit time to microapps or microservices architecture, take some time to consider how these options will affect user experience (UX), user interface (UI), and security of your websites, web apps, and mobile apps.

Secure Internal Microservice Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide

Internal microservice authentication is a critical component of software development. It ensures that only authorized users and services can access sensitive information and perform actions within a system. With the rise of microservices architecture and the increasing complexity of modern software ecosystems, implementing effective authentication mechanisms for internal microservices has become more important than ever.

Testing Microservices and Distributed Systems with JMeter

This blog post is about testing microservices and distributed systems with JMeter. It will focus on the principles of performance testing applications that are architected this way. We will not look at which JMeter samplers to use in order to generate a load against microservices or how to configure these samplers. This post will consider best practise and consideration in designing your performance testing when faced with these applications.

What is an API Gateway? A Complete Guide

An API’s main purpose is to allow multiple applications to communicate with one another. However, APIs can easily be made more secure and efficient through API gateways which provide a unified entry point across internal APIs. This unified entry point allows for greater control over user access and helps elevate API security measures like rate limiting while also applying security policies like OAuth or JWT. Plus, API gateways are extremely beneficial for securing microservices.

Day 0 Service Mesh: A Simplified Approach for Building Microservices

The acceleration of microservices and containerized workloads has revolutionized software delivery at scale. However, these distributed architectures also introduce significant complexity around networking, security, and observability. As development teams grappled with reliability and governance issues, the service mesh pattern emerged to simplify management.

Understand Microfrontends: A Guide for Developers and CTOs

Microservices architecture has gained significant traction due to its ability to break down monolithic applications into smaller, independently deployable services. However, the benefits have often been lop-sided. While backend developers have realized numerous advantages, frontend adoption has been held back by tight coupling, slow development cycles and scalability issues. Microfrontends have emerged as a solution to these challenges by applying microservices principles to the frontend.