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Build your data analytics skills with the latest no cost BigQuery trainings

BigQuery is a fully-managed enterprise data warehouse that helps you manage and analyze your data with built-in features like machine learning, geospatial analysis, and intelligent caching for business intelligence. To help you make the most of BigQuery, we’re offering the following no cost, on-demand training opportunities.

Apache Hive vs. Apache HBase

Apache Hive and Apache HBase are incredible tools for Big Data. While there is some overlap in their functions, both Apache Hive and Apache HBase have unique qualities that make them better suited to specific tasks. Some key differences include: Ultimately, comparing Apache Hive to Apache HBase is like comparing apples to oranges or Google to Facebook. While the two entities are similar, they don't provide users with the same functionality.

Telecom Network Analytics: Transformation, Innovation, Automation

One of the most substantial big data workloads over the past fifteen years has been in the domain of telecom network analytics. Where does it stand today? What are its current challenges and opportunities? In a sense, there have been three phases of network analytics: the first was an appliance based monitoring phase; the second was an open-source expansion phase; and the third – that we are in right now – is a hybrid-data-cloud and governance phase. Let’s examine how we got here.

Terabytes of Data but Still No Good Insights?

In our modern digital society, data is abundant, and storage is affordable. Businesses, governments and even individuals can (and do) collect every transaction, click, swipe, location, message and attribute in their datasets. With just a few clicks on my smart device, I can review data on every place I’ve been, how much I spent, every step I took, what the weather was like and who I was with. Businesses collect the same abundance of data.

Martin Gardner - A Pattern for Salesforce Data Migration

A Pattern for Salesforce Data Migration A talk by Martin Gardner Solution Principal, Slalom Consulting Migrating data into and out of Salesforce orgs can be very difficult. In this talk I present a pattern for successfully planning and executing a data migration between two Salesforce orgs while avoiding some of the pitfalls and gotchas that catch out the unwary. I will discuss the four key features of a data migration project and how to apply these concepts to a migration between two Salesforce orgs.