WSO2 APK's Distributed Tracing - Mastering API Efficiency

WSO2 APK's Distributed Tracing - Mastering API Efficiency

Feb 12, 2024

Uncover the power of WSO2 APK's Distributed Tracing capabilities in our latest screencast! Dive into the world of seamless API management with insights from popular tracing systems like Jaeger, Zipkin, Azure Application Insights, and OTLP gRPC. Learn the why and how of configuring distributed tracing in APK, enabling you to diagnose and resolve performance issues, errors, and exceptions efficiently.

🔍 Supported Systems: Jaeger, Zipkin, Azure, OTLP
🛠️ Practical Configuration: Customize and tailor tracing effortlessly.
🌐 Benefits: Elevate user experiences through proactive issue resolution.
Join us on this journey to enhance your API ecosystem's reliability and performance. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to distributed tracing, WSO2 APK simplifies the integration process, making it accessible to all.
🎥 Watch now for practical insights, real-world examples, and a deep dive into the transformative world of Distributed Tracing with WSO2 APK.
