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January 2024

Integrating Winston Logger in your Node.js Application

Winston Logger is one of the most popular logging libraries for Node.js. This library decouples the different aspects of logging, such as log levels, formatting, and storage, to make them independent and provide an array of different combinations. Additionally, you can implement logging in your application using Node.js streams to minimize performance impact. In this article, we are going to discuss how to install Winston Logger and use it for your Node.js application.

Java Garbage Collection - Manage your system's memory effectively

Have you ever wondered how computer programs manage their memory, like how they clean up after themselves to keep things running smoothly? what happens to all those blocks you are no longer using? This is where the role of the garbage collector becomes significant. Think of the garbage collector as a diligent assistant that recognizes tools you have finished using. It proceeds to carefully place these tools back into their storage, effectively reclaiming memory.

Guide to Parallel Processing in Python

Parallel processing in computers is like having an efficient team working on different parts of a task simultaneously. In traditional programming, tasks are executed one after the other, like solving a puzzle piece by piece. However, parallel processing divides the task into smaller chunks, and these chunks are handled simultaneously by multiple processors or cores. Python provides modules that allow programs to leverage multiple processor cores efficiently.

JVM Thread Insights: How to Spot and Diagnose Waiting Threads

JVM uses threads to execute every single operation. And during its lifetime, these threads can go through various stages. One such stage, where the threads are unable to move any further or are blocked from operating is called as the thread-waiting situation. There are various scenarios in which a thread can enter a waiting state. Identifying and diagnosing thread-waiting situations is important for maintaining the performance and reliability of multithreaded applications.