Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2020

How to Create a Python Stack

All programming languages provide efficient data structures that allow you to logically or mathematically organize and model your data. Most of us are familiar with simpler data structures like lists (or arrays) and dictionaries (or associative arrays), but these basic array-based data structures act more as generic solutions to your programming needs and aren’t really optimized for performance on custom implementations. There’s much more than programming languages bring to the table.

The Most Popular Python Web Frameworks in 2020

Web frameworks are powerful tools. They abstract the common aspects of building web sites and APIs and allow us to build richer, more stable applications with less effort. A broad range of web frameworks is available to us in Python. Some are proven favorites with large ecosystems and communities. Others excel in niche use cases or for specific kinds of development. Still, others are up-and-comers with compelling new reasons to be considered.

Video: Database Optimization

Most modern web applications are heavily reliant on persisting data with relational databases, and so it’s no surprise that a large part of application performance monitoring relates to keeping an eye on database performance to ensure that our SQL queries are as efficient as possible. With this in mind, Scout features a Database Addon module, and in this video we are going to take a closer look at what it has to offer.