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Using TestCafe for End to End Testing

TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing. End to End tests cover real journeys that your customers do, they are slower to execute but can be much more valuable comparing to unit and integration tests. TestCafe is a Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing and functional testing. TestCafe uses a URL-rewriting proxy called Hammerhead that emulates commands using the DOM API and injects JavaScript into the browser.

Chrome Extension for Google Lighthouse as a service

KissFront uses Google Lighthouse as a Service for continuous modern performance audits. KissFront’s Chrome Extension for Google Lighthouse is live now. This will enable easier view of the modern performance metrics like Performance Score, First Meaningful Paint, First Contentful Paint, Speed Index and others.

KissFront: Lighthouse as a Service

KissFront is a web performance monitoring tool running Lighthouse continuously or on-demand (using Lighthouse as a service) to monitor your website performance and get insights on speed with modern performance metrics. Lighthouse is an open-source automated tool for analysing and improving the quality of web pages with audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and best practices.

What is First Meaningful Paint (FMP)?

Time to First Meaningful Paint (TTFMT) is a modern performance metric introduced by few engineers from Google, and is the time to paint the main content that users are interested in, so the thing the users came here for. Rendering some background color can be much easier and faster, but that’s definitely not what the users was looking for when they entered your website.