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Tech Tip: Pointing Your Automated Tests to Sauce

So you’ve realized the benefits of test automation. Through your own research, or perhaps a small proof of concept, you’ve realized removing once-manual quality processes can accelerate release cycles and improve your user experience. You’ve built a small suite of tests, and the benefits are real. The next step in your journey, you realize, is to achieve the real value of automation, which means running it continuously and at scale.

Goodbye Sample Test Frameworks, Hello Sauce Training Repo

All good things need to come to an end. In this case, that’s true of the Sauce Sample Test Frameworks GitHub organization. While these sample frameworks are now gone, they’re not forgotten. In fact, we’ve replaced them with something better. In the past, this organization provided barebones examples of connecting to Sauce Labs with sample frameworks in a large variety of languages and tools. These frameworks were mainly based on Selenium and testing a basic web page.

How to Test Image Upload Functionality

In today’s online world, every digital experience is a reflection of your brand—which is why mobile application testing should be at the forefront of your testing strategy. Whether it’s a picture of a check, a selfie, or a QR code, images can be uploaded to mobile apps for many reasons. Behind the scenes, the application has to do some amount of processing and storage.

Creating Digital Confidence with Data

Digital confidence, the feeling that everyone in your organization expects your application to work exactly as it was designed, is a journey that requires a number of strategic and tactical considerations. From cultural buy-in from the top to tooling and resources that help support continuous testing at scale, there are a number of things that can help build confidence that your applications are providing flawless user experiences.

Look, No Strings! Puppeteer, Jest, and Sauce Labs

Over the years software tools, testing frameworks, and development practices have evolved to meet new challenges. This shift means testing is happening earlier in the software development lifecycle with developers increasingly taking on more responsibility for testing with a focus on speed. That’s why we’re excited to announce the expansion of our developer-first test capabilities.

Testing Better Together With the 2020 Continuous Testing Benchmark Report

A little more than a year ago today, aiming to address what we saw as a significant gap in the testing market, we first launched the Sauce Labs Continuous Testing Benchmark, a new report organizations could use to see how their continuous testing efforts stacked up against both critical best practices and the testing efforts of other enterprises.

Presenting: New and Improved Python Samples for Sauce Labs

Like many things in life, the toughest part of a test automation project can be getting started. That's why the Solution Architects and Information Developers are working hard to produce good materials for anyone getting started with test automation and Sauce Labs. To help this effort, we've reworked some Python example code, which can be found in the Sauce Labs Training Demo Python repository.

How QA Teams Can Use Software Monitoring Tools

If you work in QA, you're probably accustomed to thinking of software monitoring as someone else's job. Traditionally, responsibility for monitoring applications fell to IT teams; QA's role ended with pre-deployment testing, and QA engineers did not usually touch monitoring tools. But the reality is that monitoring tools—meaning tools designed to help track application availability and performance, and also alert teams to problems—aren't just for IT teams.