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QonfX 2024 Rewind: Testing, AI, and the Future

We did a sort of time travel on 20th April at QonfX. If you are not one of the 3000+ people who registered for this event, it is a unique software testing conference that keeps its focus on the Future of Testing. This year was the second edition of QonfX and received even more love than the last time. Feedback like the above filled our social feeds during and post QonfX. We cannot keep a count of the number of times attendees used the words ‘eye-opening’ for the talks given by the speakers.

Accessibility Testing: Where do we start?

My first attempt to understand accessibility and how to test it started back in 2016. I was working for a company where accessibility was already an important part of the process. I was asked to perform accessibility testing on the product to determine whether we could claim to be accessible. Since it was a new subject for me, I was quite confused. Where should I start? Should I be certified to provide a proper assessment? Do I need to request assessments from third-party companies?

Transitioning to Automation Role: Embracing a Future of Possibilities

The path to automation opens a world of possibilities. It’s an opportunity for professional growth, skill enhancement, and a chance to increase your impact on your team and projects significantly. As a QA professional, you possess a unique set of skills and insights that are immensely valuable in the sector of automation. This transition is not merely a change in day-to-day tasks but a promising venture into a space brimming with innovation.

Snapshot Testing in the Backend

The first time I learned about snapshot testing was in the context of front-end testing. It made a lot of sense. Writing an assertion-based test to check if a component was correctly rendered as HTML is tricky. And difficulty grows with the complexity of the output. Snapshot testing seemed a reasonable technique to get the job done, even with some caveats.

Enhancing Software Testing with Large Language Models: Navigating the Challenge of Hallucinations

Software testing is an indispensable stage in the software development lifecycle, tasked with verifying application reliability, security, and performance before deployment. This process evaluates software components to ensure they adhere to specified requirements and perform reliably under varied conditions.

Selenium Python Tutorial for Beginners

In today’s rapidly evolving software development landscape, the dependability and functionality of web applications are really important. When used in conjunction with Python, Selenium presents a sophisticated answer to many urgent issues faced in the test automation area. It effectively tackles the need for swift, consistent, and precise testing of web applications across various browsers and environments.

TDD and BDD Strategies to Improve Software Quality

According to a study by Stack Overflow, developers spend approximately 50% of their time debugging and fixing issues in their code. As a software engineer, I understand the problem first-hand. We pour our heart and soul into building applications, yet bugs persist despite our best efforts. While some are caught during compilation, others lurk undetected, potentially causing damage and financial woes. That’s why rigorous testing of applications becomes crucial before market launch.

Click, Pay, Secure: The Hidden World of Payment System Testing

I live in Copenhagen. The winter is dark and cold, and I need a coffee to get my day started. Luckily for me, there is a cafe in the building. I find enough energy to get myself into some decent winter clothing and leave the comfort of my warm apartment. The patient staff at the cafe gets me my Cappuccino and gently asks “Would you like to pay with the App or a Card”? I said, “with card please” – as do 90% of people in the Nordics.

Understanding Mock Objects in Software Testing: A Tale of Simulated Reality

In the ever-changing realm of software development, the concept of mock objects often emerges as a source of optimism amidst the tumultuous testing and debugging process. These simulated objects are not just mere jargon in a developer’s vocabulary; they are vital instruments that imitate the behavior of actual objects in controlled settings.

Being a Modern Software Tester

The role of the software tester has expanded well beyond the traditional task of finding bugs. Today’s testers are pivotal in fostering high-quality, robust, and user-focused products. This comprehensive article explores the multi-faceted role of testers, emphasizing the shift towards a proactive quality mindset, technical and analytical skills, strategic involvement, and continuous learning in the pursuit of excellence.