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A Comprehensive Approach to Quality: Integrating Test Automation & Test Management

Manual tests slow down your team and limit test coverage, but implementing UI test automation can sometimes seem daunting. After all, you have a massive application with numerous moving parts, and UI tests are notoriously flaky. So, how can you improve quality and streamline your UI testing efforts? In this article, you’ll learn the difference between test automation and test management, and how integrating the two can unlock a more comprehensive approach to quality.

Smart Assertions Overview

The Smart Assertion checks both the message content and the metadata such as headers, status codes, and parameters in accordance with the predefined set of rules. Note: The Smart Assertion supersedes the Message Content, Valid HTTP Status Codes, Invalid HTTP Status Codes, HTTP Header Equals, and HTTP Header Exists assertions. They are also easier to setup and configure. The assertions will continue to be available, but we recommend transitioning to Smart Assertions.

Data Driving Smart Assertions in ReadyAPI

The Smart Assertion checks both the message content and the metadata such as headers, status codes, and parameters in accordance with the predefined set of rules The smart assertion will allow users to check multiple fields in a response with just one assertion. In this video we show you how you can also data drive the assertion.