Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Khan Bank: Using APIs to make banking faster and easier in Mongolia

The Soviet era left Mongolia with a legacy of manual banking processes that requires huge quantities of paperwork. This means that customers need to visit branches frequently for simple things like changing a PIN number or requesting a credit card. Since we count 2.8 million of Mongolia’s 3.3 million citizens as our customers, this could mean long lines at the bank, with an average wait time of 25 minutes for each visit. We wanted to change that.

You Have APIs-Why Aren't You Managing (all of) Them?

As I work with customers around the world and across verticals, I’m struck by a common pattern: many savvy business people and technologists grasp the value of the new application programming interfaces (APIs) they’re creating for external ecosystem use cases, such as providing partners access to data or functionality, but they often see both the APIs they already have and those they build for internal use in a different light — not as software products that let developers

Accelerate with APIs: Apigee API monitoring, extensions and hosted targets now generally available

APIs are a key way businesses operate at the speed and scale necessary for today’s economy. We designed Apigee, Google Cloud’s full lifecycle API Management platform, to give businesses control over, and visibility into, the APIs that connect applications and data across the enterprise and across clouds. Apigee was recently recognized by Gartner as a leader in the 2018 Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management.

Apigee API Monitoring: Find & Fix Issues Fast

Almost every app and digital interaction today depends on APIs, so it’s important to be able to find and fix issues fast. Apigee’s API monitoring can alert you to live issues, give you in-depth details for every problem, and recommend a course of action. Take a look at this API monitoring demo from the Apigee team to keep your APIs running smoothly!