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What the heck is DPoP? | IAM Community Meetups - 2022

An Application-level proof-of-possession protections for access and refresh tokens. DPoP (Demonstrating-Proof-of-Possession) is an additional security mechanism for the token generation which overcomes the issue of bearer token which will not validate between who is requested token and who is actually using the token for the access of a particular resource. In DPoP, this will be avoided by validating the client who requested the token is the one who is actually using the token using the Signed JWT tokens known as DPoP Proof.

How to Migrate from the Open Source WSO2 Identity Server to the Subscription Version?

WSO2 Identity Server is the most popular open-source CIAM system on the market, and it is widely used by educational institutions and government agencies as an on-premise CIAM solution. Single sign-on/sign-out (SSO), identity federation, strong authentication, identity administration, account management, identity provisioning, fine-grained access control, API security, monitoring, reporting, and auditing are all possible with WSO2 Identity Server's seamless integration capabilities.

The Case for Open Source IAM

Current estimates suggest widespread adoption of open source software (OSS) in organizations worldwide. Compared to sectors such as operating systems and big data, adoption in the security and identity management sector has been low until now. While there were a number of open source projects around libraries for security and identity management-related functionalities, there were only a few projects based on an end-to-end security or identity and access management (IAM) solution.

Hybrid API Management: Run Your API Gateways Anywhere

With the fast-growing popularity of cloud computing, an increasing number of organizations are now moving towards cloud-based solutions. Gartner predicts that1, "by 2020, 90 percent of organizations will adopt hybrid infrastructure management" where some parts of a solution would be in the cloud while other parts would be in traditional on-premises data centers.

On the Future of Digital Innovation

WSO2 passed many key milestones in 2021: by year-end, we had over 700 customers in nearly 90 countries, our annual recurring revenue (ARR) grew 31% to reach $63.3 million, and we achieved a net dollar retention (NDR) of 109%. We also expanded the team from 550 to over 900 employees in less than two years and hired several key senior leaders.