Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

The Test Tribe

How #ChatGPT Acquires Its Knowledge? | Raju Kandaswamy | #SoftwareTesting #GenerativeAI

In this intriguing video, Raju Kandaswamy delves into the fascinating world of ChatGPT, unraveling the mechanisms behind how this powerful language model acquires its knowledge. Gain insights into the training process, the vast datasets involved, and the continuous learning loop that refines ChatGPT's language capabilities. Whether you're a curious user or a tech enthusiast, this session offers a behind-the-scenes look at the knowledge acquisition journey of ChatGPT, shedding light on the technology that powers its diverse and contextually rich responses.

Real-Time Example of APIs of a Leading Travel Company | Sidharth Shukla | #apitesting #api

Join Sidharth Shukla in this session as he provides a real-time exploration of APIs from a leading travel company. In this hands-on demonstration, Sidharth walks you through practical examples, showcasing the architecture, functionalities, and integration possibilities of APIs within the travel domain. Whether you're a developer, tester, or someone keen on understanding the intricacies of API usage in the travel industry, this video offers valuable insights and a firsthand look at the dynamics of APIs in a real-world scenario.

Being a Modern Software Tester

The role of the software tester has expanded well beyond the traditional task of finding bugs. Today’s testers are pivotal in fostering high-quality, robust, and user-focused products. This comprehensive article explores the multi-faceted role of testers, emphasizing the shift towards a proactive quality mindset, technical and analytical skills, strategic involvement, and continuous learning in the pursuit of excellence.

Automation Engineering: Dealing with the Mass Competition | Rahul Verma | #automationtesting

Embark on a unique career journey as we delve into the speaker's path of carving out a distinctive role in the realm of automation engineering. 🌐✨ Learn how they transformed a passion for automation into a specialized skill set, becoming a test automation framework reviewer.

How to Choose the Right Tools for Your #AutomationTesting Efforts? | Kunal Ashar | #softwaretesting

In this insightful video, Kunal Ashar offers a comprehensive guide on navigating the landscape of automation testing tools to make informed choices for your testing efforts. Learn how to strategically select the right tools that align with your testing requirements and project goals. Kunal explores key considerations, such as compatibility, scalability, and ease of integration, empowering you to build a robust automation testing framework.

Software Testing Jobs on 11th January | Automation Tester Vacancies | Curated Job Openings for QAs

This video is a top resource that provides you with the latest job opportunities in the software testing and quality assurance (QA) industry. It allows you to stay up-to-date with the rapidly changing technological landscape by exploring exciting career prospects in both manual and automation testing. Given the high demand for qualified software testers, now is an excellent time to enhance your career prospects.

How To Create Maintainable #Selenium Tests with #Kotlin | Attila Fazekas | #automationtesting

In this instructive video, Attila Fazekas delves into the realm of Selenium testing with Kotlin, offering key takeaways to enhance the creation and maintenance of robust test suites. Learn the art of leveraging idiomatic Kotlin to craft Selenium tests that are not just effective but also maintainable and easy to comprehend.

How Can Testers Make Themselves Identified? | Rahul Verma | #SoftwareTesting #AutomationTesting

In this insightful video, Rahul Verma discusses effective strategies for testers to establish their identity and make a meaningful impact in the ever-evolving landscape of software testing. From building a strong professional brand to showcasing essential skills, Rahul provides practical tips to help testers stand out in their roles. Whether you're a seasoned tester or just starting in the field, this session offers valuable insights on personal branding, skill development, and creating a distinct identity as a tester in the competitive industry.

Visualization Mastery: Cracking the Code to Effective Learning! | Sanjay Vyas | #softwaretesting

Unlock the secrets to accelerated learning and teaching by embracing the power of visuals! 🚀 Learn why integrating visuals into your learning process can revolutionize comprehension and retention. Discover the magic that happens when you map concepts to visuals and witness how your brain embraces information more effectively. 📝 Key Insights.