Flutter chat app demo - powered by the Ably Flutter Plugin

Flutter chat app demo - powered by the Ably Flutter Plugin

Dec 8, 2020

The Ably Flutter plugin brings awesome realtime magic to the much loved Flutter ecosystem. This is a demo of a Flutter chat app using the Ably Flutter plugin for realtime.

Read the announcement blog post: https://ably.com/blog/ably-flutter-plugin
Build a cryptocurrency app with the plugin: https://ably.com/tutorials/realtime-cryptocurrency-app-flutter
Full source code: https://github.com/ably-labs/flutter-chat-demo
Ably Flutter Plugin: https://pub.dev/packages/ably_flutter

The app's UI is adopted from Marcus Ng's YouTube video - Flutter Chat UI Tutorial | Apps From Scratch(https://www.youtube.com/watch

Try Ably for free - https://www.ably.com/
Ably's blog - https://www.ably.com/blog
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