Kubernetes Native API Management: Create and Deploy APIs with WSO2 APK

Kubernetes Native API Management: Create and Deploy APIs with WSO2 APK

Feb 23, 2024

Commence an exploration into Kubernetes Native API Management with WSO2 in this enlightening session. Guiding you through the details of creating and deploying APIs, we commence the exploration of the robust WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (APK).

Discover an innovative AI-powered health and wellness coach application, unraveling the process of exposing microservices as managed APIs in a Kubernetes environment. The setup involves deploying WSO2 APK alongside microservices, providing a comprehensive view of API creation methodologies.

Witness the power of Kubernetes Native API Management as we kick off two key approaches: using apk-conf and leveraging Kubernetes Custom Resources. Explore the streamlined process of API testing with apk-conf, ideal for local development, and the GitOps-friendly API Management with Kubernetes Custom Resources for seamless API promotion across environments.

This screencast equips you with essential insights for effective API management in cloud-native environments. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, this session promises valuable takeaways.

For more information, visit: wso2.com/api-platform-for-k8s/
Stay connected and empowered in the domain of Kubernetes Native API Management with WSO2.

Read Our Docs - https://apk.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/get-started/quick-start-guide/

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