SmartBear - Reaching the Podium - API Lifecycle

SmartBear - Reaching the Podium - API Lifecycle

Whether you're aiming for a bronze medal win in efficient testing or the coveted gold medal of a comprehensive test management strategy, this video series, put together by the Solutions Engineering team @smartbear, will help equip you with the winning techniques and tools that you need to reach the podium!

00:00 Intro

Bronze: Taking your first steps towards a design-first approach to API development.
Using SH Explore - send API requests, save into a space and import as an API into SwaggerHub
SwaggerHub - create new version of API, invite collaborator
ReadyAPI - import API from SwaggerHub using integration, generate first test suite from spec file

Silver : SwaggerHub: add design-time standardization in SwaggerHub, add GitHub synch
ReadyAPI: add Git integration ("now all our tests AND our API spec are in the same place!")
Data-Driven test and parametrization
Manual publish from SHUB to Portal

Gold: GitHub action using SmartBear API/CLI tools
Add SwaggerHub Standardization check
Execute ReadyAPI tests
Publish OpenAPI spec to PactFlow
Run Can I deploy check
Publish API
Link API to SwaggerHub Portal