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Steps to Deploying Kong as a Service Mesh

In a previous post, we explained how the team at Kong thinks of the term “service mesh.” In this post, we’ll start digging into the workings of Kong deployed as a mesh. We’ll talk about a hypothetical example of the smallest possible deployment of a mesh, with two services talking to each other via two Kong instances – one local to each service.

Creating Your First Database API with DreamFactory

In this introductory video you'll learn how to generate a fully functional, documented, and secure database API using the DreamFactory platform. After generating the API, we'll interact with it using the generated Swagger documentation. As a final example, we will query the API from outside of DreamFactory using the popular Insomnia HTTP client.

Microservices and Service Mesh

The service mesh deployment architecture is quickly gaining popularity in the industry. In the strategy, remote procedure calls (RPCs) from one service to another inside of your infrastructure pass through two proxies, one co-located with the originating service, and one at the destination. The local proxy is able to perform a load-balancing role and make decisions about which remote service instance to communicate with, while the remote proxy is able to vet incoming traffic.