Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2023

Build AI-driven near-real-time operational analytics with Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift and ThoughtSpot

Every business that analyzes their operational (or transactional) data needs to build a custom data pipeline involving several batch or streaming jobs to extract transactional data from relational databases, transform it, and load it into the data warehouse. In this post, we show how you can leverage Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift and ThoughtSpot for GenAI driven near real-time operational analytics.

The best partners will be the most ambitious ones

Why do some companies see their data team as ticket takers? How do other companies treat data teams like extensions of their decision making process to answer some of the hardest questions imaginable? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes ambition plays the biggest role. It’s not technical. It’s not skill. It’s the desire to work together and solve big audacious problems.

Is Shadow IT a nuisance, or does Shadow IT lead the way?

When people feel dissatisfied with the tools they are provided, it’s not uncommon for them to seek their own. This phenomena is called shadow IT and it can disrupt the trust between data leaders and business stakeholders. So what should companies do? Benn Stancil, Field CTO of Thoughtspot, believes tooling is a preference, but there needs to be some standardization so that trust does not deteriorate within the team.

Increase data literacy and trust with Alation data catalog integration

When using data to make impactful business decisions, certain doubts may start to arise, like “What does this column exactly mean?” or “Can I trust this data source I want to use?” Questions like these speak to a larger need for increased data literacy and trust in data. ThoughtSpot continually invests in this area, giving users the confidence to build the correct Answers needed for their analysis—and ensuring they can trust the data they are shown.