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February 2024

Node.js Timeout Tactics: A Complete Handbook

Node.js is a powerful platform for building scalable and efficient server-side applications. One essential feature of Node.js development is managing timeouts effectively. Timeouts help handle various scenarios, such as preventing requests from hanging indefinitely or executing tasks within a specific timeframe. Let's get into the timeouts as time is out, what timeouts mean, and why they are necessary for Node.js applications.

What is High Cardinality?

High cardinality is a term that often surfaces in discussions about data management and analysis. It refers to a situation where a dataset contains an unusually high number of unique values, presenting challenges when it comes to processing and analyzing the data. In this blog, we will explore the concept of high cardinality data, its implications for data analysis, and strategies for managing and analyzing it effectively.

Integrate Type Checking with Node.js using TypeScript: A Tutorial

With Node.js and Express, you can easily create a JavaScript server. Then the obvious question would be, “Why Typescript?” While JavaScript remains the most popular scripting language, TypeScript emerges as a great alternative when your application becomes more complex or when you collaborate with a distributed team of developers.

9 Best Email API Services for Developers

Using email to communicate with consumers, sell new items, connect with future customers, and much more is crucial for running a successful business. Despite the numerous communication options available today, such as social media platforms, chatbots, and collaboration tools like Slack, email remains a viable and effective option. In fact, Internet Live Stats reports that 2,641,007 emails are received per second.