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March 2024

Enhancing Node.js Core: Introducing Support for Synchronous ESM Graphs

Exciting news this week! One of the latest features in Node.js core is the addition of support for requiring synchronous ECMAScript Modules (ESM) graphs. This enhancement promises to simplify the transition for package authors and users alike, as the ecosystem gradually shifts towards ESM. This long-awaited feature, enabled via the --experimental-require-module flag, marks a pivotal moment in Node.js development, addressing a persistent pain point for developers.

N|Solid: Node.js Compatibility Proven through Fastify CI Integration

At NodeSource, we understand the hesitance and scrutiny that often accompany claims of "Node.js compatibility". The Node.js ecosystem is vast and intricate, and as Matteo Collina rightly points out, passing a "hello world" example is just the start. We believe N|Solid should be a component of every Node.js project, especially in production, to provide developers and organizations with the most advanced performance and security observability tooling.