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Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2019

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter. Over the past few months you may noticed a few improvements to Bugfender’s web app, if not, we’ve summarised them here and you should go and check them out. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.

Reactive X: RxJava Data Flows: Observable, Flowable, Single, Maybe and Completable

Reactive programming is a programming technique for asynchronous applications that lets you structure your code based on “reaction” to data input changes instead of an imperative programming style where you have to poll or block and wait for changes to happen. If you’re not 100% familiar with ReactiveX (RxJava being the implementation for the JVM), perhaps you know Java Stream, which is a similar concept introduced in Java 8.