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Automating Flutter development with Bitrise, an ASMR tutorial

Continuous integration and delivery makes building amazing apps with Google’s Flutter even easier, faster and way more efficient. Check out this quick ASMR video tutorial that explains how to onboard your Flutter project on Bitrise: Automate everything from building your app, testing, codesigning and deploying to Google Play or the App Store.

Automating React Native development with Bitrise, an ASMR tutorial

Continuous integration and delivery makes building amazing apps with React Native even easier, faster and way more efficient. Check out this quick ASMR video tutorial that explains how to onboard your React Native project on Bitrise: Automate everything from building your app, testing and deploying to Google Play or the App Store.

An ASMR introduction to Android app development on Bitrise (2019 April 1)

Continuous integration and delivery makes building amazing Android projects easier, faster and way more efficient. Check out this quick ASMR video tutorial that explains how to onboard your Android project on Bitrise: Automate everything from the moment you commit code to the moment it hits Google’s Play Store.

Automating iOS development with Bitrise, an ASMR tutorial

Continuous integration and delivery makes building amazing iOS projects easier, faster and way more efficient. Check out this quick ASMR video tutorial that explains how to onboard your iOS project on Bitrise: Automate everything from UI tests, to code signing to the actual deployment to the App Store and more.

How You Can Help Us Grow Bugfender

This month, Bugfender turned four years old. We didn’t throw a massive party to celebrate the birthday (the team is spread all over the world, which makes party-planning rather tricky) but we all reflected with pride on the amazing journey we’ve been on. Over the last four years we’ve watched Bugfender become a vibrant, sustainable venture. What started as a spin-out from our parent company, Mobile Jazz, is now established in its own right.

A Blueprint for Modern Working: Six Hacks for Asynchronous Success From the Mobile Jazz Company Handbook

How do you organize an effective meeting when you don’t have a physical space to hold it? How do you manage workflows across different time zones, when some people are starting work as others go to bed? How do you integrate new people into the culture when you don’t have a physical HR department?

5 Monitoring Tools Every Startup And MVP Should Check Out

As an entrepreneur and the CTO of a young startup, keeping a close eye on the product is at the top of my priorities. To keep improving the product, I’m always alert to new issues; and seeing those issues from different perspectives is key to resolving problems before users are affected. This is where monitoring comes in. In this blog post, I will get you into my stack and share the list of monitoring tools I’m using on a daily basis.