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Conditional breakpoints: How to Debug iOS and Android apps from Zero (Part 2)

Conditional Breakpoints and their variants, Exception and Symbolic Breakpoints are powerful tools for advanced debugging, applicable to both iOS and Android. We’ll explore them in this article. In the first post of our How to Debug from Zero series we learnt the basics of breakpoints. At this point, you should know how to add a new breakpoint and how to use the “step over”, “step in” and “step out” commands.

Updates from Bugfender Q2, 2019

Welcome to the Bugfender summer newsletter. Over the past few months you may noticed a few improvements to Bugfender’s web app, if not, we’ve summarised them here and you should go and check them out. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.