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The Lost Art of Questioning

Asking the right questions of your data and knowing what you are looking to find is a critical component for gaining insights from your data that drive specific actions. Data is not black and white; there is so much you can do with it. Accordingly, two people with the same data can come up with very different insights. This is because so much depends on the specific problem to be solved and the approach you take to solve it.

Supply Chains: Staying Ahead of the Unpredictable With an Analytics Data Pipeline

2021 demonstrated the precariousness of our global supply chains and the potential cost to business. The Suez Canal blockage held up around $9.6bn of trade each day, while the true impact of the pandemic won’t be known for years. Many of us have also felt it during our weekly shopping and the disappointment when one of our favorite items is replaced by cardboard cutouts instead of the foodstuff themselves.

In an Environment of Information Overload, Ensuring You Focus on the Right Information Is Critical

During the holiday break, our family had to get tested for COVID. We got at-home tests, as they were available, and it was easier than having to wait in line at a testing center. This got me thinking of a recent article in the New York Times, which raises the notion that experts are questioning the importance/value of measuring COVID caseloads with the rise in the use of at home tests.

Data Decay Can Be Deadly - Mastering "Data Into Action' Will Be Vital to Organizational Growth

Most enterprises that have embarked on their digital business journey have quickly realized that data is the foundation of every digital business. No successful digital business has succeeded without a data strategy. So, when I joined Joe DosSantos, Chief Data Officer at Qlik, on the Data Brilliant podcast, we discussed how data has been democratized, why certain organizations have succeeded with digital transformation, and what factors are required to build the culture for success.

HR Continues to Take Center Stage With HR Data and Analytics in Forward-thinking Companies

The 2021 holiday season is over, and, with a bump we’ve landed in 2022, with something of a repetitive tune playing. The COVID pandemic continues; we are a full two years post the first cases being reported; and the statistics are no less shocking today than they were at the outset.

Keep Your Data Moving With Qlik & Confluent

I have written many a post about the importance of keeping your data moving. As Mathew Wilder sang in “Break My Stride,” it’s “got to keep on moving” to enable you to act within the business moment. Real-time data analytic pipelines are the solid foundation to achieving the state of Active Intelligence, and you can only start that when you work on the freshest data available to you.