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How We Create Load Tests For Our Customers In Loadero

Loadero is a SaaS (software as a service) for testing web applications and our main target is to provide a powerful tool to our users, so they can create load tests, performance tests, and WebRTC tests for their needs. But sometimes a proper tool is not enough to execute tests: some companies don’t have enough manpower, others might not have enough expertise in the QA field, yet testing is required for every web application.

How To Test Screen Sharing Feature In Web Applications

Screen sharing is not just common nowadays, it is present in many different apps we use. Webinar applications allow presenters to share their screen with the audience, video calling and conferencing apps allow sharing your screen to show other attendees the information you need to share, e-learning is a lot more effective when teachers can see what’s happening with their student’s screen, the list goes on and on.

What's New In Loadero (February 2022)

Last month of winter is over and the spirit of spring is already in the air. We did a lot of work to improve Loadero last month, but the last week of February was filled with shocking events for us, as it was for the whole world. We support the people of Ukraine suffering from what happens in their country right now and every day we hope that it ends soon. There is nothing more important than peace, and we hope it will be restored soon.

How To Check If Your Test Is Ready To Be Run

When starting to work with a tool like Loadero, there can be many unknowns and things that need to be explored, before you can properly achieve your appointed goals for testing. If you are working on the first test, it’s a good idea to follow our step-by-step guide to configuring a test and check out Loadero’s documentation if something is unclear.

Test Automation With Python

According to IEEE Spectrum Python is the top programming language of 2021, and since April Loadero supports Python as a test script language. Many engineers agree that test automation with Python is an excellent choice, and in this blog post, we’ll show the basics of it. Python tests in Loadero use the Py-TestUI framework. Py-TestUI wraps and implements additional features for Selenium Python binding.

CSS Selectors And XPath Locators In Selenium Test Automation Scripts

One of the most important aspects of automated web application testing is having a good grasp of using locators. Locators allow retrieving DOM elements from the web page. Interacting with web elements during automated tests allows to create end-to-end tests that simulate real users behavior. In this blog post, we will talk about two types of locators – CSS selectors and XPath.

What's New In Loadero (November 2021)

The busy month of November full of fun times and hard work has finished and it’s time to share the updates we made to Loadero during the month. We added new media files for participant’s webcam simulation, made various performance improvements, added browsers and published the last post in our popular series about using Javascript for test automation. Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month.