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Data to the people - Why this app will change the way more people engage with data

The answer to creating an inclusive data culture is in your hands. At Yellowfin, we firmly believe that organisations are far more successful when all their people engage with data. And whilst this has always been the goal of organisations on their journey to being “data-led”, the reality is most are still a long way off. For this to happen, all decision makers need access to insights, in a way that they can understand, not just the data analysts.

What to expect from Yellowfin's new mobile app

We've got a brand new mobile application coming now out and lots of people have been asking me what’s in it. To be honest, it's much easier to tell you what's not in it - and that’s dashboards and reports. I can hear you saying, ‘How can an analytics vendor have a mobile app with no dashboards or reports?’ But the truth is no one really uses a mobile app to view dashboards or reports. It's the wrong format for looking at a clunky dashboard or detailed report.

Unravel and Azure Databricks: Monitor, Troubleshoot and Optimize Apache Spark in the Cloud

We are super excited to announce our support for Azure Databricks! We continue to build out the capabilities of the Unravel Data Operations platform and specifically support for the Microsoft Azure data and AI ecosystem teams. The business and technical imperative to strategically and tactically architect the journey to cloud for your organization has never been stronger.

How to treasure hunt business opportunities in your data with automated analytics

Hidden treasure holds a deep fascination and the promise of great wealth. Did you know that there are still dozens of significant treasure hauls still waiting to be found across the globe? Gold bars and coins, pearls, jewels, and precious artifacts. Then there’s Forrest Fenn’s treasure (he’s still alive today). Fenn has buried his Pompeiian artifacts and other treasures worth approximately $2 million in the mountains north of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

5 best practices to deliver trust in your data project: Tip #3 Take ownership around a single source of trusted data

Would you imagine e-commerce without an electronic catalog or the web without search engines? Digital transformation requires single points of access to enable a wider range of people to access a wider range of information.

Data Privacy through shuffling and masking - Part 2

In the first part of this blog two-part series, we took a deep dive on Data Shuffling techniques aiming to mix up data and allowing to optionally retain logical relationships between columns. In this second part, we will now focus on Data Masking techniques as one of the main approach to guarantee Data Privacy.

5 best practices to deliver trust in your data project : Tip #2 control your data wherever

Whenever an IT system, application or personal productivity tool is used inside an organization without explicit organizational approval, we talk about shadow IT. Shadow IT is not only a security and compliance nightmare, it creates a data sprawl where each group can create its data silos.

What we learned selling subscriptions before they became trendy

Our decision to change from a perpetual licence model to subscriptions was one of the great naive moments in Yellowfin’s history. It was about eight years ago and we had great sales growth but it was getting harder to start from scratch every year and sell more perpetual licenses. At the same time, our maintenance business was growing so we decided to flip our model and sell subscriptions. It seemed like a good idea at the time as none of our competitors were selling subscriptions.