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DreamFactory: Now a Snowflake Select Partner!

We’re happy to announce that DreamFactory was added to Snowflake’s Select partnership tier! Our mutual customers are getting tremendous value by using DreamFactory and Snowflake together, and we are excited for more collaboration to come. Through this partnership, we’re aiming to make it easier than ever for businesses to access and utilize their Snowflake data without the headaches of manual API coding.

Sketch - The Premier Platform for Digital Creativity

In the realm of digital design, Sketch has emerged as a game-changer. With its powerful vector editor, built-in prototyping, and collaborative features, Sketch has become the go-to tool for over a million designers worldwide. This article provides an in-depth review of Sketch, tailored for web designers, developers, digital marketers, website owners, and e-commerce managers.

When to Use Bun Instead of Node.js

Bun and Node.js are two JavaScript runtime technologies to run JavaScript on the server. Node.js is the undisputed king of server-side development with JavaScript, but Bun has gained popularity thanks to its unbelievable performance capabilities. The real question is, though: does it really make sense to use Bun instead of Node.js? Let's learn about Bun and Node.js, dig into their characteristics, and explore some scenarios where Bun can be a better alternative to Node.js.

AnyCable for Ruby on Rails: How Does it Improve over Action Cable?

In modern web applications, real-time communication has become more than a feature: it's gradually evolved into a necessity. Users expect instant updates, live interactions, and dynamic content. In Rails applications, Action Cable has long been the go-to solution, harnessing WebSockets to fulfill these demands. In this article, we introduce: Let's get started!

Using Moesif, Kong, and Stripe to Monetize Your AI APIs - Part 1: Integrating The Platforms

As the wave of AI sweeps through the technology landscape, many have hopped on board. Interestingly enough, and often overlooked, is that many AI capabilities are served through APIs. Fancy user interfaces integrate with the actual mechanisms where the magic happens: the APIs. So, when generating revenue through AI platforms, the APIs drive the revenue.

How To Estimate API Development Time

Application programming interfaces (APIs) have quickly become vital to modern businesses. APIs work by allowing different systems to talk to each other and share data. The commercial use of APIs and web APIs has skyrocketed over the last decades in accordance with the rise in app development, mobile apps, and e-commerce. However, how do you estimate API development time? Well, API creation and the development time frame will always vary from project to project.

7 Must-Know Factors in API Development

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and protocols that let software programs communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary between different software or services. For example, when using a mobile app to book a hotel room, the API allows the app to communicate with the hotel’s booking system. While many REST API developers have their way of doing things, some factors in API development are generally considered essential.

Architecture testing in Laravel with Pest

Maintaining standards in an ever-growing codebase that multiple developers contribute to can be difficult and tedious. Ensuring that the codebase follows best practices and does not deviate from the standards is essential for any project. But this is typically something that can only be enforced manually by code reviews and other similar processes. As with any other manual task, this can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That's where architecture testing comes in.

Overcoming scale challenges with AWS & CloudFront - 5 key takeaways

The Ably service handles massive amounts of data throughput and concurrent connections for many customers while maintaining a highly reliable and available service, with a 5x9s uptime guarantee. Ably has no scale ceiling, and that’s challenging work (it’s one of the reasons I joined Ably). While the challenges we face in delivering our service are compelling, we sometimes face novel internet scale problems, such as breaching the limits of AWS services!

Master Documenting Your APIs: Tips for Effective API Documentation

API (application programming interface) document works as a developer’s compass for navigating complex services. In this guide, we provide straightforward insights into crafting excellent API documentation. At the end of this article, you will know how to succeed as both creators and consumers of APIs through effective documentation.