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VC Perspective on Developer-First Companies

Ep. 8: Tyler Jewell, Managing Director at Dell Technologies Capital Joining us is Tyler Jewell, a Managing Director at Dell Technologies Capital. Before that he was the CEO of API Management platform company WS02. As an investor he’s placed almost $150M in DevOps companies and is a self-confessed geek in dev tools, devops, infrastructure and dev platforms.

The Complete Guide to Microservices

Microservices, also known as microservices architecture, refers to a method of designing and developing software systems. Microservice architecture is becoming increasingly popular as developers create larger and more advanced apps. The goal is to help enterprises become more Agile, especially as they adopt a culture of continuous testing. Here are the basic features of microservices.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021 - IntelliJ, VSCode, Gitpod, and Lens (Part 3)

Over the last few days, I have been hard at work writing an up to date comparison of Kubernetes tooling (check out the first and second posts if you haven’t already, which cover tools that help you reproduce issues locally). Going through the sprawling Kubernetes ecosystem and curating the knowledge that would be the most interesting to fellow developers and engineering managers has been no small task. That’s why section 3 will cover the heart of cloud-native development: the IDE.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021 - Docker, BuildKit, Buildpacks, Jib, and Kaniko (Part 4)

Over the last few blog posts, I have covered critical elements of developer tooling for Kubernetes and how things are looking in 2021. As we continue to dive into that discussion, we must not forget the process of building container images. Of course, most of us create our images by writing Dockerfiles and building them with the Docker engine. And yet, more and more teams are adopting newer alternatives.

No, Automation Won't Kill Banks, But it Will Change the Financial Services Game, Part 1

We live in a world where FinTech automation is forcing traditional banks to move faster and deliver better customer experiences. This new world demands a completely different business model from traditional financial institutions.

Instrumented testing: the answer to faster bug reproduction and issue resolution

With product analytics, you collect data about how your users are interacting with features and how frequently they use your app. With website analytics, you know your top pages, devices, and locations, and you can drill down into activity per visitor. But what about manual app testing analytics?

Using Chartio with Xplenty Part 1: Setting Up Your Pipelines

Xplenty provides features to efficiently extract, transform, and store data from various sources. Chartio provides Visual SQL features that let us explore and analyze data. Furthermore, it includes functionality to arrange charts and metrics in dashboards that can be shared. Both these tools can be used synergically. In this post, we will cover how you to configured Xplenty to use Chartio data. In a subsequent post, we will explain how to visualize the data provided by Xplenty in Chartio.

Cloudera wins Risk Markets Technology Award for Data Management Product of the year

Financial services institutions need the ability to analyze and act on massive volumes of data from diverse sources in order to monitor, model, and manage risk across the enterprise. They need a comprehensive data and analytics platform to model risk exposures on-demand. Cloudera is that platform. I am pleased to announce that Cloudera was just named the Risk Data Repository and Data Management Product of the Year in the Risk Markets Technology Awards 2021.

Augmented analytics: 3 key advantages for software vendors

Artificial intelligence (AI), automation and machine learning (ML) are rapidly transforming the analytical experience for everyday business users in 2021. Whether it’s automated visualizations, continuous analysis, or reduced time-to-insight, there are many practical benefits of augmented analytics that are well documented and fully realized today.

5 Lessons We Learned Validating Security Controls at Snowflake

You may have read about Snowflake’s IPO last year. But you probably didn’t hear about all the work that the Snowflake security team did in preparation. Our corporate security program went through a security analytics review to ensure that it satisfied the new security policy requirements resulting from the IPO. Here are a few lessons that we learned when setting up automated security control validation on our Snowflake security data lake.