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Is analytics going back to the future?

The biggest takeaway from Gartner’s Magic Quadrant (the MQ) this year for me is that organizations, analysts, and vendors now realize that analytics is not linear. While many businesses are looking to artificial intelligence and augmented analytics, these don’t replace other types of analytics. There’s very little point in delivering sophisticated advanced automated analytics if you haven’t got your ‘bread and butter’ reporting and governance working.

Join our New Kong Champions Program!

Today, we’re excited to launch the Kong Champions Program, a new program that recognizes Kong’s “super” users and contributors – community members who go above and beyond in supporting Kong’s open source product – and gives them unique opportunities to make an impact on the Kong community. Kong was founded on open source DNA, and we remain committed to building and fostering a vibrant community that together achieves great things.

Use Tideways for applications of all sizes with the new Flex plan

The PHP community is large and diverse in their approach to build and run PHP applications. We have seen hundreds of small applications running on a handful of servers and one product running on multiple clusters and hundreds of servers across the globe. Still, we believe all PHP applications regardless of size benefit from monitoring, profiling and exception tracking functionality.

5 Artificial Intelligence Myths-Debunked

Artificial intelligence—you’ve read about it in science fiction novels, you’ve heard tech personalities talk optimistically about it, and you’ve seen headline after headline mention its potential and benefits. As a widely discussed concept, the technology is hard to miss, but how exactly does it work and what does it mean for businesses?

How to Deploy Yellowfin Signals on Google Analytics Data

In the previous blog, we initially discussed how Yellowfin Signals discovered a surprising website traffic spike hidden in our Google Analytics data. So how did we set up Signals? And did we learn anything along the way? Read on below for our learnings and suggested best practice (this is going to be a deep dive, so grab a coffee and enjoy!)

How to Gather Data for Machine Learning

Unless you’ve been living in a cave these last few months (a cave that somehow carries sufficient WiFi coverage to reach our blog), you’ll doubtless have heard about machine learning. If you’re a developer, chances are you’re intrigued. The machine learning algorithm, which solves problems without requiring detailed instructions, is one of the most exciting technologies on the planet.

Make Google Analytics data meaningful with Yellowfin Signals

Lots of organizations use Google Analytics and Google Insights to monitor the effectiveness of their digital marketing. While it looks appealing, some of the information it delivers is almost meaningless. It’s so complicated that it doesn’t help you understand what’s happening in your business.

The Impact of AI on the Data Analyst

The introduction of AI, automation and data storytelling to the world of analytics has not only had an immediate impact on the end users of analytics but also the people that work in the field. While many analysts may fear they will be replaced by automation and AI, CEO of Yellowfin, Glen Rabie, believes that the role of the data analyst will increase in significance to the business and breadth of skills required.

Why data not anecdotes matter - election spin versus cold hard reality

So much of our decision making is made based on firmly held beliefs and stories we have absorbed in our lifetimes. Generally referred to as type one thinking – this is fast, emotional and generally unconscious. It is a type of thinking that is very useful for making day to day decisions like what to wear, what to have for lunch or how to get to work. However, this type of thinking is inherently flawed and full of bias.