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New Kong Settings for Service Mesh

This post is the last in a three-part series about deploying Kong as a service mesh. The first post discussed how we define the term “service mesh” here at Kong, and the second post explained the architectural pattern used to deploy Kong as a mesh. In this post, we will talk about the new features and configuration options we added to give Kong its mesh capabilities.

Observability For Your Microservices Using Kong and Kubernetes

In the modern SaaS world, observability is key to running software reliability, managing risks and deriving business value out of the code that you’re shipping. To measure how your service is performing, you record Service Level Indicators (SLIs) or metrics, and alert whenever performance, correctness or availability is affected.

API and Microservices Management Benchmark

Performance is a critical factor when choosing an API management solution. For businesses, the need to deliver low latency and high throughput is critical to ensuring that API transaction rates keep up with the speed of business. This white paper compares the performance of Kong and Apigee to understand performance in production environments.

Scaling Microservices

Microservices have opened the door for enterprises to become more agile and innovative than ever before, but adopting this new approach has left many teams with microservices "growing pains." Originally intended for use in small teams, microservices have grown well beyond their original use cases and are now leveraged to share important functionality throughout enterprises and even with external partners.

Steps to Deploying Kong as a Service Mesh

In a previous post, we explained how the team at Kong thinks of the term “service mesh.” In this post, we’ll start digging into the workings of Kong deployed as a mesh. We’ll talk about a hypothetical example of the smallest possible deployment of a mesh, with two services talking to each other via two Kong instances – one local to each service.

Microservices and Service Mesh

The service mesh deployment architecture is quickly gaining popularity in the industry. In the strategy, remote procedure calls (RPCs) from one service to another inside of your infrastructure pass through two proxies, one co-located with the originating service, and one at the destination. The local proxy is able to perform a load-balancing role and make decisions about which remote service instance to communicate with, while the remote proxy is able to vet incoming traffic.