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Sidestep the BI BS: 6 questions to ask before signing a contract

I recently watched the movie Air. I absolutely loved it. Note: if you don’t want spoilers, you may want to skip the next two paragraphs. Air is a story chronicling how Nike, the underdog in those days, steals Michael Jordan away from Adidas and Converse. With the cards stacked against Nike—they had a much smaller budget than their big-brand competitor, Adidas—it was conventionally assumed that Michael was better off signing with a more established brand.

ThoughtSpot's new In-App Support empowers data confidence for all users

In the past, it was commonly believed that only administrators or designated support contacts benefited from live product support. But that shortsighted view fails to acknowledge the reality that every user—be you an occasional business user, tenured analyst, or in-the-weeds IT administrator—can encounter roadblocks and require assistance. That's why our new In-App Support is available to all users worldwide, regardless of their role.

Building a data team in a tight labor market

In this segment, Sumathi Thiyagarajan of the Milwaukee Bucks discusses the challenge of building a diverse data team in a tight labor market, taking a broad approach to hiring from inside and outside the sports industry to get a mix of skills and mindsets. She emphasizes the opportunities for visibility and growth in a small, collaborative organization focused on enhancing the fan experience through data.

Why stakeholders are key for prioritizing data workflows

Prioritization is a difficult but vital skill for any data leader. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel discusses how he focuses on broad coverage of tasks, involving more team members to build stronger relationships, better understand workflows, and leverage stakeholder input to ensure needs are addressed effectively.

A better way for data leaders to approach generative AI

Generative AI is far more than a passing fad. But it’s still far from flawless. In this segment, Alex Viana, VP of Data at Vercel emphasizes the importance of having a strong data infrastructure and system in place before integrating AI tools, so they can bring value to data leaders as a multiplier rather than a crutch.

What to look for in a decision intelligence tool

Picture it: You are the owner of a growing digital purveyor of premium baked goods. You see that your chocolate chip, macadamia nut cookies with a hint of coconut are going gangbusters whereas sales for peanut butter cookies are declining. This is bad for margins because the peanut butter cookies cost less to produce than the chocolate chip, macadamia nut, coconut cookies. You decide to offer a special coupon for your loyalty customers to grow the peanut butter cookie sales.