Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Ep #4: Mike Amundsen on Building, Maintaining & Growing APIs

Mike Amundsen is a prolific writer on all things APIs. His latest book is entitled Design and Build Great Web APIs: Robust, Reliable, and Resilient. When he’s not writing, Mike helps companies capitalize on opportunities in APIs, Microservices, and Digital Transformation. Mike shares his perspectives on why organizations think about APIs in three levels, how AWS’s Werner Vogel does deprecation, what the future holds for API automation tools.

Ep #7: AmEx/LoungeBuddy ex-VP Eng Jessica Lam Builds Resilient Products

Jesscia Lam was the Chief Architect and VP Engineering at LoungeBuddy, which was acquired by American Express. At LoungeBuddy she designed their APIs, many of which continue to be in use today. As a CTO, architect and engineering lead at multiple companies, Jessica shares her experience on how to build products to be more resilient, why error handling is so important and how to treat internal APIs vs. external APIs.

Tutorial to Set Up Usage-Based API Billing with Moesif and Chargebee

Modern API businesses are migrating towards usage-based billing models which enables automatic expansion revenue while removing barriers to adopting a new API. With Moesif you can integrate with subscription management solutions like Recurly and Chargebee to quickly add advanced usage-based billing in a few minutes. In this guide, we’ll walk through integrating Moesif with Chargbee and some recommendations for usage-based billing.

Launching API Programs in Non API-First Companies

Ep. 11: Jeannie Hawrysz, leader of API Programs at SAS Joining us is Jeannie Hawrysz, the Lead API Architect at SAS, a 22,000 person business analytics company. Before that she was an 18-year veteran at IBM and was the Technical Development Manager for IBM’s API Connect Micro Gateway. In our podcast she shares how to successfully launch API programs in non API-first companies.

How to Monitor API Usage and Performance with Tyk API Gateway on EC2 with Moesif

This article provides an introduction to API Observability and how it fits within the overall APIOps Cycles. Then, we will walk through an example of how to successfully deploy and leverage Tyk Gateway and Moesif API Observability on Amazon EC2.

How Customer Success Teams Should Monitor Account Health and API Usage

Leading customer success for developer-first or API-first businesses is quite different from traditional enterprise software. The best API products are designed to be self-serve and hands-off, meaning customers rarely need to sign into a web portal once implementation is done. If you’re a Stripe or Twilio customer, when’s the last time you signed into their web portal? Hopefully not recently, otherwise that may imply a problem or issue.

10 Error Status Codes When Building APIs For The First Time And How To Fix Them

Things don’t always go well when using an API for the first time, especially if you’re a beginner and it’s your first time integrating an API into another system. Often documentation is lacking in terms of errors, since it’s easier to anticipate things going right, than things going wrong. In HTTP, many status codes can give you an idea of what was going on when you called an API.

API Analytics Across the Developer Journey

Every API product manager wants as many developers as possible adopting and using their APIs. They want them to get to Hello World quickly and have a great developer experience (DX) along the way. Of course, the bigger goal is to be able to tie API success into the larger objectives of the company. For many, despite the best intentions, their metrics are too simplistic, narrow, and based on outdated models of engagement.